Friday, October 25, 2013

LSU Fraternity Outreach - A Blessed Evening! 
FORTY-ONE indicate desire to trust in Christ as Savior and Lord

Members of Five Fraternities met at the Kappa Alpha House

Thank you for all of your prayers and for your encouraging notes about the LSU fraternity outreach on Wednesday night.  What a blessed evening it was!

103 filled out comment cards, and FORTY-ONE indicated the following:  "Tonight I realize my need to put my complete trust in Christ and what He has done for me on the cross and to follow Him as Lord of my life."

Campus Director Darin Travis and the CRU (Campus Crusade) staff men did a wonderful job of organizing the event.  It was also evident that, over some period of time, they had established solid credibility with the fraternity men which enabled them to be very effective in their recruitment to this somewhat unique outreach meeting.  I give thanks to our Lord for their good work at my alma mater.

Also, the panel members, Jason Greene, Eric Danos, Ben Heroman, and Dr. Bill Russell were excellent both in content and in their manner of presentation.  I wish that there was a video of the evening.  I can assure you that you would have been quite moved by the substance of their comments about their experiences in business, the winsomeness and humility with which they shared words of wisdom, and their honesty, even vulnerability, in discussing their own spiritual discoveries and development.  The 103 young men in the room hardly moved.  They sat in rapt attention.  It was just that impactful!

I'll conclude with the thoughts that Darin Travis shared in a letter yesterday:

  • We were hoping the Lord would use the night to work in those young men's hearts.  I believe that He did.  I assume that most of you read the last question on the response card.  The Gospel was shared, they were quiet, then invited to pray:  41 of the 103 indicated that they made that decision to follow Christ. Pretty incredible!

Please pray not only for the 41 but for all 103 of these young men and for Darin Travis and the CRU staff as they are already beginning to do the follow-up work.



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