Monday, January 17, 2011

The Mission Foundation Letter, January 17, 2011

Dear friends,

First of all, we want to THANK YOU for your prayers and for your financial support of our ministry. We can never say thank you enough. It is because of your participation with us in Gospel ministry that we are able to do the things that God has called us to do. So once again – Thank you!

TANZANIA: This Thursday, January 20th, Bec and I will leave for Tanzania where we continue to work alongside Tanzanian leaders in the development of a national expository preaching movement. You may remember that it was through the invitation of Rev. Frank Luvanda (Tanzanian pastor and former vice-principal of a Bible college) that in 2005 Dr. Simon Vibert (now vice-principal of Wycliff Hall, Oxford) and I were privileged to work with our Tanzanian brothers in the launching of this effort of Langham Preaching (John Stott Ministries). In 2006 Rev. Tony Swanson (British missionary with African Inland Mission who has served in Tanzania for many years) became involved in the work and has been a great colleague and friend. Because of the outstanding work done by Frank and Tony (both of whom live in Morogoro in central Tanzania), the movement has now spread to every region of the country.

I should also mention that Becky will again have the opportunity to teach women in Tanzania. I am very thankful to our Lord for this open door for her to use her gift.

This year we will be in Mbeya which is in the deep southwestern part of the country. Please pray for our safety in travel. Thanks.

Oxford: This Friday Bec and I will be meeting with Jonathan Lamb, Director of Langham Preaching. We will be discussing the book I have just completed on expository preaching and a number of other things. Also, we will be visiting Simon Vibert at Wycliff Hall and will be staying overnight with him and his wife Carrie and their children. We are very much looking forward to this time in Oxford.

Sheffield: After leaving Oxford, Bec and I will travel up to Sheffield where we will have the opportunity to spend time with our brothers and sisters at Christ Church, Fulwood, the congregation with whom I served as part of the interim pastoral team in 2005. The Thursday Morning Men’s Prayer Breakfast which we launched during that year is still a thriving group, and they continue to focus on praying for men who have not yet come to know Christ. Would you please take a moment to pray for those men?

The Gathering of Men: During my time away, Tyler Lafauci will be teaching at The Gathering of Men luncheon. As some of you know, Tyler has been a faithful servant to the men of our city for many years. Please pray for him.

Missions Conference at Christ Evangelical Presbyterian Church in Houston – February 20th: We are looking forward to being with our dear friends Will and Christina Whitaker who serve on the missions committee of Christ Pres. I hope that those of you who are in Houston might possibly be able to join us.

Thank you again for all that you do to help us. We pray that you will be blessed with clear understandings regarding your service to our King in 2011. We also pray that the Lord will fill you with a love-motivated zeal for the accomplishment of the missions He has for you. Please pray the same for us.

In our merciful and gracious Savior,

Rod and Bec

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