Three young girls gather to Jake at the orphanage
Jake and Lyle
Looking into the clinic with searching little eyes
This lady's leg was broken when an automobile hit her while she was riding a motorbike (There are many, many motorbikes in D. R.) about two months ago. She has received no treatment because she could not afford the hardware needed to make the very extensive repairs to her leg. While Jake was attending to her, contact was made with the CURE Hospital in hope that she might have the greatly needed surgery. Because of the long delay and the extent of the damage to her leg, it is questionable as to whether she will ever walk again. Please consider taking a moment right now to pray for her.
Dr. Freddy Michaelson
Jake with Alex, a Dominican medical student who worked alongside Jake all week. Jake taught him medicine, and Alex helped Jake in his learning of Spanish. They greatly enjoyed working together.
The people waiting for admittance outside one of the churches
The people waiting for admittance outside one of the churches
Dr. Freddy and a sweet young boy
This little boy was so badly dehydrated that he passed out while in clinic. After replenishing his fluids, Jake and the other medics recommended that he be taken to the hospital. The cause of the dehydration was uncertain, and he needed further evaluation. This was the only situation we faced in which someone's life was in immediate peril.
Rachel Lee, a pre-med student at LA Tech who shadows Jake at his clinic in Ruston, gives her testimony publicly. Rachel is a cheerleader for the Bulldogs at Tech, but she is unaccustomed to public speaking, and this was her first time to give her testimony before a group. Her gentle words and countenance were very well received by the Dominicans who listened intently. I was given the responsibility for organizing the evangelism, and it was a tremendous joy to see the team members, from the youngest to the oldest, one after another, giving brief words of testimony -- some of them for the first time!
One of the four churches in which we served
This is a kind of service that she loves.
Lyle Hitt of LSU in Triage
These ladies were laughing and enjoying themselves greatly while doing one another's hair. Their spirits seemed to be so undampened by the material poverty in which they lived.
Mason Hitt (defensive tackle at LA Tech) and one of the many friends he made as he admitted the people to the clinic.
Jake giving attention to a lady
and her children
and her children
Trevor Torres is in Jake's Sunday night ECD (Excellentia Coram Deo -- Excellence Before the Face of God) group that meets every week in his home in Ruston. Trace Kaiser and Mason Hitt are also in that group.
Mason and Trace happily and helpfully greeted hundreds of people through the course of the week. As you see in the picture, Trace kept his Spanish dictionary in hand as he and Mason served the people, calling out their numbers for admittance and relating warmly to them as they waited.
Organizing meds
Trace Kaiser teamed up with his dad Jimmy in fitting glasses for the Dominicans.
Happy children in the clinic
Dr. Will Sanders will soon be joining Jake in practice at Green Clinic in Ruston, LA. What a blessing it was to have Will on this mission.
Dr. Will Sanders will soon be joining Jake in practice at Green Clinic in Ruston, LA. What a blessing it was to have Will on this mission.
and Lyle Hitt of LSU in Triage
The people listened very sweetly as I spoke with them about Christ. They were very kind and helpful to me as I sought to communicate the Gospel for my first time in Spanish.
Tucker Hitt shares a Gospel tract with a young man who is waiting to see one of the doctors. Throughout the week, Tucker's job was to assist the patients in getting from triage to one of our doctors.
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